pressSIGN 3 is Intelligent Printing because you can not only get the press to print correctly, you can also see where it is failing quickly and easily, and further identify where you are being unproductive and wasting resources.
See below all the new features and how to upgrade your version.
The new version contains some important improvements to pressSIGN 2.x. pressSIGN 3 is now a database application. Every reading is now stored in the pressSIGN database with advanced search and sorting features.
Search by any combination of the following criteria:
Job Name Press Operator Date Time Ink & Paper Score Client Comment In addition jobs can be sorted by Name, Date, Score, Standard, Press, Job Duration, Run Length, Customer and Measurements. The ability to add comments to any job or reading can be used in a variety of ways. Users can now identify new consumables that they are using on the press to see what impact they have on quality or see when they have made a plate adjustment curve.
pressSIGN additional new features
Auto generate 5 color color bar
Generate EPS or pdf color bar
Make ICC profiles a press standard
Measure paper white to adjust ICC profile & export adjusted profile back to pre-press
pressSIGN-Pro version 3 additional new features
Optional pressSIGN-Trends
Make-Ready and Production mode
Value Trends
View Score
Trends View
Production Reports
One database - multiple presses
Open Multiple Jobs
Make-Ready and Production Mode
pressSIGN-Pro version 3 lets users distinguish between make-ready and production mode. The average score for the job saved to the database is based on readings in production mode. Make-ready scores are ignored.
Check on Press/Operator Wastage and Productivity
As pressSIGN-Pro captures the start time of the job, the time of entering into production mode, the run length and the finish time it is easy to see the efficiency of each press/operator. Create a production report showing all jobs printed on each press per day and see the make-ready times.
Open multiple jobs and see production trends
pressSIGN-Pro v 3 with its poweerful search features allows selection of jobs by any combination of criteria. Searches can be saved for repeated use. Once jobs have beeen selected they can be opened in pressSIGN-Pro and the trends for all aspects of those jobs can be examined. There are two trends views showing all aspects of the job(s) over time, their score and the changing values. Double- click on any trend window and enlarge it as a permanent floating window.
Low cost pressSIGN-Trends - many users one database
pressSIGN-Trends is an new optional extra for pressSIGN-Pro users and is designed specifically for production managers who need to see what is happening on press but don't need to read the press sheet.
All data from many presses can be fed into one database (PC only) these can be viewed by any pressSIGN-Pro or pressSIGN-Trends user. In fact any job can be opened as it's on press and each reading seen in real time.
Upgrade your version of pressSIGN for Intelligent Printing
To get your free upgrade to version 3 of pressSIGN send me an email with your name and i1 or pressSIGN dongle serial number, company name and name. To upgrade from pressSIGN to pressSIGN-pro. Please contact me or your Compose dealer. To download a demo version of pressSIGN-Pro go to www.presssign.com If you have any further questions about pressSIGN please call me or send me an email