Saturday, April 30, 2011

PaSharp Nested Step & Repeat

As you might have seen on my previous post, PaSharp offers a very powerful set of trapping tools. Now we'll talk about nested step and repeat for packaging. PaSharp offers a tool that does just that.

From within Adobe Illustrator, using PaSharp you can quickly step & repeat your jobs by coordinates or you can directly import a CAD layout file, PaSharp supports DXF and CFF2 formats. Its interactive step & repeat tools allow you to automatically add station numbers with specified sequences. Plus PaSharp provides modes for adjusting bleeds & overlaps.

PaSharp Step & Repeat

On this video Michael Jahn shows us how to use the PaSharp nest feature to step & repeat a job in Adobe Illustrator.

PaSharp Trapping Tools

PaSharp has a powerful set of professional trapping tools designed to meet the expectation of packaging professionals.

On these videos Michael Jahn shows us how easy it is to use Adobe Illustrator® and PaSharp to trap from very simple elements to highly complicated ones. Including trapping of image and vectors.

002 ImageTrap TRAPPED

If you have any questions, please contact your local Compose dealer or e-mail us at

InfoFlex 2011, see you there

May 2nd and 3rd I'll be at the InfoFlex show at the Indiana Convention Center in Indianapolis, IN. This is the #1 show for the packaging and converting industries. I'll be at the Anderson Vreeland booth showing the latest Compose products. Including Express Label Print. Anderson Vreeland recently became OKI 510 DW dealers and as you know this product uses the Compose Express Label Print.

InfoFlex2011 logo

If you're going to be at InfoFlex 2011, stop by.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

pressSign's New Mobile App

In the past I've told you about pressSIGN and it's ability to tell in a very clever way if a job is within a determined color space. I've also told you about that with pressSign and a spectrophotometer you can scan a color bar and the software will tell you which ink keys need to go up and which ink keys need to go down. I've told you that pressSign provides very easy to understand job reports.
What I'm about to tell you makes this product ever more interesting. Imagine you are out of the office and would like to know how is your press room doing. How many jobs have been printed. How close have has your press been to your color standards on these jobs? Even chat with the press operator. This is all possible on the new version of pressSIGN-mobile for iOS. From your iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch or mobile web browser you can access information in real time from your pressroom.
Every production manager's dream, to be sitting by the pool sipping Mai Tais while he gets updates from work.
If you want to try it out for yourself, our friends at Bodoni have setup a live demo that you can access by clicking here.

pressSIGN JobspressSIGN Job Information

pressSIGN MeasurementpressSIGN Job Measurements

pressSIGN ChatpressSIGN Press Operator Chat

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Live from Print China... Well Almost.

I write from to you from our offices in Hong Kong. Over the weekend we visited Print China 2011 in Dongguan, China. I was blown away by the sheer size of the show and the quality of the Chinese products being offered. From consumables and presses, to software and services. If it had to do with printing it was there. Traditionally these shows have been dominated by companies around the world. And the Chinese products were second to products from other countries. However, things are changing. I'm not saying there's no room for improvement, this trip has changed my mind on what made in China means.

Another thing that surprised me was how warm people were. Not many spoke English. But everyone made a true effort to try to understand me. When I told them I lived in America, they all had good things to say.

At 6'7", I towered over most people at the show. Specially the locals. People kept taking pictures of me everywhere. On the first day of the show, it seemed I kept running into a police officer everywhere I turned. Then he pulled out his camera. That's when I called him and told him we should take our picture together.
IMG 3348

Something else that I found very interesting is how much people were talking about G7. Obviously, all the booth that had to do with printing were printing G7 targets. What was surprising was to see manufacturers of digital and conventional presses do the same thing.

Now that I'm back in Hong Kong and with access to blogger I'm able to post my experiences.

Print China 2011