Thursday, February 18, 2010

The new Epson Stylus Pro WT7900 is here and Star Proof is ready

This image was printed on clear film on an Epson Stylus Pro WT7900. What makes it different from other prints done on other plotters? Well, if you look at the flying dove, or the guy's checkered shirt, you'll notice that there's white. But wait a minute, wasn't this printed on clear film and the background is certainly not white. How can this be?

Let me introduce you to the new Epson Stylus Pro WT7900. And you guess it, it can print white ink. What makes this new printer more interesting, if you are say involved in flexo printing or part of the packaging industry, is that Star Proof can drive it. As you may know, Star Proof is a dot per dot proofing system. Meaning that it can reproduce the same halftone screen patterns that will end up on press. Star Proof can provide very accurate color proofs with dots and with this new printer, with white dots!
You can click on any of the images on this post to see them bigger.

Call your Compose dealer or us directly at (916) 920-3838 for a printed sample.


  1. Purchase an
    Epson Stylus® Pro WT7900
    and Get $1000
    Back by mail through 10/31/10!
    Plus Purchase an Epson Stylus Pro WT7900 Printer receive one Roll each of 24" Epson ClearProof Film and 24" Epson MetallicProof Film from Spectraflow Limit 1 FREE Media Offer per Printer.
